Humor | Truth

Dear Medium, Please Stop Sending Bonuses and Save Our Mental Health

Fear of missing the bonus (FOMB) is real.

🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
4 min readJul 3, 2021


Screenshot by the author from Facebook

I know it sounds lame. But it’s true.

For the last three days, I have seen countless posts that read “Did anyone get the June bonus?” just like the above-featured image. And this question is in the minds of many.

Almost all Medium writers who have been writing on this platform extensively for the last couple of months and trying hard to win the bonus-lottery have this question in common.

But will all of them get this lottery, I mean, a bonus?
Certainly not.

Money Is Sweet — But Waiting Is Not

No matter how much we tell ourselves that writing is the thing that only matters and everything else is an illusion — whenever we get cash for our writings, we feel great; we feel out of the world and inspired to write more. Because we all know how hard it is to earn money by writing independently.

So, when Medium introduced Reader Engagement Bonuses in May, most writers (who were money-wise struggling on this platform) were very much excited about it. And when Medium continued the bonus in June again, writers went crazy and…



🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman

Written by 🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman

Boost Nominator ✦ Editor of The Environment ✦ I share stories to transform your life

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