Should You Quit Medium?

The harsh truth of what you can expect here.

🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
5 min readAug 31, 2022
Image created by the author using Canva. Medium Logo from Wikimedia Commons

That’s a tricky question, isn’t it?

But don’t worry! The answer is relatively straightforward, and we’ll get to that soon.

Before you decide whether you should quit Medium or not, you should first know what is possible on this platform.

So, let’s have a quick look at what I experienced on this platform in the last two years.

I left my job in November 2020 because I was unhappy with how I was being treated at the company. I felt that my contributions went unrecognized, so I quit my job. It’s plain and simple and had nothing to do with Medium.

Only three months before quitting my job, I joined this platform and started loving it for two reasons —

  • It’s great to have a platform where you can literally write whatever shit you want.
  • And surprisingly, you can earn a few bucks as well.

To be honest, I never knew I would earn money writing online. I thought it was out of my league. But Medium made it possible. The month I quit my job, my earnings from Medium were $71.76.

Don’t laugh!

As I already told you, I didn’t quit my job because I wanted to follow my passion. I quit because I was…



🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman

Boost Nominator ✦ Editor of The Environment ✦ I share stories to transform your life