Why Elon Musk Fired Twitter’s Top Executives and Planned to Eliminate Half of Its 7500 Staff (Despite Being the Richest Man on the Planet)

Does that make him a monster?

🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
7 min readNov 6, 2022
Elon Musk and Twitter Chaos with Mass firing
Elon Musk’s photo via Twitter

“Looks like I’m unemployed y’all. Just got remotely logged out of my work laptop and removed from Slack. #OneTeam forever. Loved you all so much,” a Twitter employee tweeted after getting eliminated on Friday, 4th November 2022.

Despite showing early enthusiasm in April 2022, Elon Musk tried his best not to buy Twitter, voicing concerns about the number of bots and some allegations raised by a whistleblower. But nothing worked in his favor as he was forced to close the $44 billion deal to make Twitter his own playground.

People thought, “The drama is finally over, so now we can sit back, relax and tweet whatever shit we want.” Little did they know that what they’d seen was just the tip of the ice.

Because when the man’s name is Elon Musk, you never know what’s coming next.

What Elon did right after owning the company was somewhat predictable yet brutal. He took the ultimate delight in removing Twitter’s CEO, Parag



🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman

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