Why Your Cat Sleeps on Your Chest

The owner is always the best company

🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
3 min readOct 7, 2021


Author’s cat Mini is sleeping on his chest.
Mini and author. Photo by the author.

When I adopted Mini in February 2021, she was a kitten aged only two months. She was like a tiny, cute, lovely creature (she still is). But you know, what I loved the most about her? She always slept on my chest or lap.

It is a great feeling when your cat does so. Your heart leaps up with joy finding heaven. I thought Mini slept on my chest out of love and comfort. Well, I wasn’t wrong about her, but there are a few other reasons as well.

So let’s explore why kittens love to sleep on your chest and understand them better.

Your Cat Sleeps With You For Comfort

Typically, cats have a body temperature between 100.5 °F and 102.5 °F, slightly higher than the average human body temperature. Whenever a cat is to sleep, it searches for a place from where it can get warmth. In that case, your body is the most fantastic source of heat for your kitten.

Moreover, cat just loves warm places. And your blanket or your lap is always warmer than any other place. That’s why your feline partner chooses to sleep with you whenever possible.

The Owner Is Always The Best Company



🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman

Written by 🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman

Boost Nominator ✦ Editor of The Environment ✦ I share stories to transform your life

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